The questions about timeline, phasing, and how long it will take are probably the most frequently asked questions by those who are enthusiastic about this project. The answer is multi-layered. As you may recall the traffic and parking zones of our proposed plan are divided into three: The church parking and traffic zone, the school and PSR zone in the middle of our property, and the new ministry center parking and traffic zone on the south end of the property. Generally, the contractors, engineers and architects imagine this 24-month project of construction will best be accomplished in three phases, each one centered around one of the three traffic and parking zones.
The first and most important "group" to be consulted about the future needs of St. Albert was the parishioners themselves. Beginning in 2013 the life and ministry of our parish began to grow and expand in ways that we had not seen before. As the ministry grew, the buildings and the grounds, the meeting rooms and offices, the parking, traffic and safety issues really began to "cry out" for help.