The master plan we are calling Building Faith; A New Generation has been passing through three formal levels of approval: parishioner consultation, diocesan/bishop approval, and City of North Royalton.
On page 5 of the Building Faith Campaign brochure there is a text box titled "Anticipated Financing". Included in the figure are the estimated costs of the $10 million project, the approximate savings in the parish, and the $7 million campaign goal. A parishioner asked for more details about the costs of the entire Building Faith Project:
Many of the earliest discussions among parish leaders and planners was related to the location of the parish offices and the parish life center on our parish property. The final decision to locate the PLC in the "center" of our 18 acres was made after considering several other options. The most convincing argument for this central location was to expand the use of our largely unused property to make traffic, parking, and access easier, safer, and more convenient. Likewise, by discreetly connecting the new building to the rear entrance of the school building will make the many features and spaces within the PLC available to our day school and PSR students without having to travel outdoors.