Over the months since March, many refinements have been made to the original master plan that was published. We hope to make those plans available here in this column over the next few weeks of our Capital Campaign called "Building Faith".
We’re off! Last weekend at all parish masses our building faith campaign was announced and the latest images and a 3-D model of our parish campus we’re located in the Wallings entrance of the church. The executive committee of the campaign was also published in our parish bulletin last week. Please see below the generous families and individuals who have committed to leading this exciting campaign for the future of Saint Albert the Great.
Early on in our planning for the new Parish Life Center several members of the parish brought this desire to memorialize Fr. Viall in our new Parish Life Center. This idea was met with enthusiasm among the leadership of our Building Faith Campaign. We remembered that Fr. Winters was remembered in the "new gymnasium" shortly after he retired by in 1978. In fact, the gym was named Winters Hall in him memory.
In the summer of 2016 the master plan subcommittee established the "laundry list" of needs and desires confronting our parish ministries. On that list were large captial expenditures that would have to be taken care of in 3-5 years. The largest single item on that list was the deteriorating parking lots and driveways on all of our property.