New registrants welcome! Beginning Tuesday evening, January 23rd and Thursday morning, January 25th we will resume our classes. Season Two has five classes and runs through February 20/22. Anyone interested in joining the Bible study is welcome to do so. Simply contact the parish office, pay the registration fee, receive a workbook, and review the first five sessions on our YouTube channel. You will fit right in. (envelopesare available at theentrances of the church)
Couples preparing for marriage need to attend a Pre-Cana Day. The next Pre Cana here at St. Albert the Great will be on Saturday, February 10, 2018. Couples wishing to attend this class should call the parish office to make your reservation, 440-237-6760.
We will be having our 17th Annual Super Bowl Party on February 4, 2018. The funds raised will go to our mission in El Salvador. Besides our ambulance program, we financed the digging of wells, bibles for their youth group, computers, a new school, food and medicine. If you have any questions about our mission, would like to help or donate, please call Brian Flanagan at 440-237 7667.
On December 16th and 17th, a Bambinelli Blessing will be held during all of the Masses at St. Albert the Great. “Bambinelli”, plural for the word “bambinello”, refers to the “Baby Jesus” in a Nativity scene. The Bambinelli Blessing is a thirty year old tradition that was started in Rome at the Vatican. Every family is invited to bring their “Baby Jesus” from their Nativity Scene to the Mass they attend on the Third Sunday of Advent and receive a blessing alongside the parish bambinelli. The Bambinelli Blessing will incite us to experience God’s true joy and love that comes to us from the infant Jesus. Come and rejoice in God’s love for you in this new Advent celebration with your parish family.