We need your voice to help shape the future of High School Youth Ministry at St. Albert the Great! Whether you're a parent or a teen, your honest feedback will guide us in creating a program that strengthens our connection to Christ and to one another. It’s quick—just 3 questions—but your open and thoughtful input makes all the difference! Parents: Share your thoughts here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1u-m-Ac9_-bQklT8MblMJrcxi099T6HLtz5UT1VWT2Qs/edit Teens: Share this link with your child and encourage them to lend their voice: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MaNUHEL9L89JjY81xx731f1qFLhHFT4JM052kBFgh1A/edit Together, we can create something extraordinary. Thank you for helping us build a vibrant, Christ-centered community for our teens! ❤️